Thursday 17 November 2011

Fun with Translation

Written from: Merenschwand

While watching MTV in Switzerland (which was in English but with German subtitles) with a friend, this happened:

English Spoken Words: “…urban sound…”
German Written Subtitle: “…Black Musik…”

In a world unbound by the shackles of being Politically Correct, they write what we all think.

Blog #9. 35th Day, 28th Year. Complete.

Retrospection: The elections were happening while I was in Switzerland. One party in particular, the UDC, had some of the best political posters I’ve ever seen (all of which would never be allowed in a regular newspaper). Here’s my favorite:

The caption is warning Swiss people to protect themselves from European infection…and the other 999 words that go with it.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Beginning at the End

Written from: Bern.

I had done some traveling before but Argentina was my first big trip as a real traveler, and though I was in Buenos Aires for 2 months, my trip (and new life) truly started in Ushuaia, the southern most city in the world.

When I first check into the hostel, one of the first people I meet was Franziska, a Swiss-German and some people that were jamming in the Hostel Lobby, Jeremie Andre, a Frenchman, and Jason Koebler, an American.

I had a great time with these folks. In our small amount of time we had some jams, so delicious eats, and some laughs (mostly watching Jeremy be an exaggeration of the French stereotype as he hit on Franzi…it was a first for me).

This was the first time that I had met them and the first time that Franzi met Jason.

-Fast Forward-

About a year and a half later, I’m making my way through Switzerland when I get a message on Facebook from Jason. “Franzi and I live in Bern. You should come by for a fondue.” A wonderful surprise! I take them up on the offer.

As I arrive to their apartment, and look for the bell, I see the following:

“Jason Koebler – Franziska Eggiman Koebler”

I was there. I WAS THERE WHEN THEY MET! And now, they are married and living in Bern. AND Jeremie, the Frenchman who was also there, OFFICIATED THE WEDDING! They met in Ushuaia, traveled for a few months, then Jason went to Switzerland, and a little later, they got married.

So it IS possible.

Blog #8. 27th Day, 28th Year. Complete.


“I could never have known that I would meet a girl in Argentina and then a year later I would be married and living in Switzerland.”
-Jason Koebler